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February 16 – Mark 1:16-34

When Jesus calls Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, and John in this passage, He is not calling strangers. In fact, these four men were already Jesus’ disciples. We know this from reading details in the other Gospels. (For a chronology of those details, this article is a good one.)

In the first century, a rabbi’s disciples were not usually full-time students; they had jobs in order to feed their families. So, at first, Jesus’ disciples were fishing whenever they weren’t with Him. As Jesus taught them and cultivated relationships with them, He steadily called them to bigger and bigger steps of faith. Eventually, after the miracle of the great haul of fish (see Luke 5:1-11), Jesus calls them to become full-time disciples. (The great haul of fish was in part to assure them that they could trust God to provide for their families in their absence.)

Jesus cultivates relationships with each of us, too, and in the context of those relationships, He invites us to take increasingly bigger steps of faith—to trust Him a little more each day. Talk to Him now about the invitations He is making to you as we are about to begin the season of Lent.

After calling His disciples to come with Him, Jesus takes them to a synagogue where they hear Him teach and watch Him heal a man who was possessed by “an impure spirit” (vv. 21-26). So, Jesus invites them to take a bigger step of faith and then shows them why they can trust Him.

Jesus taught “with authority,” meaning that He did not cite revered historical rabbis to support His lessons (as was customary). He taught on His own authority. Then, He proved He had that authority by performing miracles of healing.

Consider how Jesus has strengthened your faith in Him. How has He worked in your life to deepen your relationship with and trust in Him? Remember these ways He has shown His love to you and thank Him for them.

Once Jesus’ disciples hear Him teach and see Him heal, they take Him to someone who needs Him—Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. Jesus heals her, too. Then, others begin to bring people to Jesus for healing. That’s what we do when we find Jesus—we long to bring others to Him.

As you consider all Jesus has done for you and the deeper faith He is currently inviting you to experience, notice your heart toward Him. Notice any impulse to respond to Him, and share that with Him in prayer. Is there someone you want to experience the love you have for Jesus? Pray for that person now. Then, like the disciples, follow Jesus into this season of Lent, which we begin tomorrow.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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