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February 26 – Mark 4:35-41

Sudden, violent storms can come up quickly on the Sea of Galilee as the wind comes over the eastern mountains and drops to the sea. Cool air coming over the mountains falls as warm air rises from the sea, and the collision of air masses cab cause the weather to change quickly. Peter, Andrew, James, and John knew this well. They were fishermen by trade, and they worked on the Sea of Galilee every day. For them to be as frightened of a storm as they are in today’s passage, it must have been some storm! And Jesus must have been very tired to sleep through it.

Let’s not miss Jesus’ weariness. It is a reminder that He took on flesh to walk among us, to show that He understands us, and to save us! His body was subject to limitations. He needed sleep, food, and water. Teaching and interacting with people sapped Him of energy, and the fact that He could sleep in the boat when it was being tossed by a storm and when waves were breaking over the side indicates that He was especially weary this day. But, though He is fully human, He is also still fully God. The wind and waves obey Him.

When the disciples fear they will die, they awaken Jesus and ask, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (v. 38). Jesus rebukes the wind and waves, and then questions if the men “still have no faith” (v. 40). Though they had awakened Jesus, presumably for Him to do something about the storm, the disciples are still amazed when He orders the wind and waves to obey and they comply.

Even though the disciples’ faith was small, they did something right—they went to Jesus when they were afraid. We all have times in our lives when we are short on faith. The best thing we can do at those times is go to Jesus. If He does not calm our storm, He will sit with us through it, and the storm will never destroy us.

Are you experiencing a “storm” right now in your life? How are you weathering it? If the waves are high and the wind is strong, go to Jesus today and trust that He will overcome the storm for you. Talk to Him about your fears and worries. If your heart is broken in grief, tell Him about it. Let Him calm your storm or hold you as you pass through it.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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