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March 7 -- John 3:22-36

John the Baptist was given a divine revelation so that he would recognize Jesus as the Messiah (see John 1:32-34). In this passage, John confirms what Jesus has said and testifies that Jesus has come from heaven and speaks on His own authority. John also notes that no one accepts Jesus’ testimony. These verses, 31-36, echo Jesus’ words to Nicodemus (vv. 11-13; 16-18). Whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life and whoever rejects Him remains under God’s wrath.

John the Baptist not only testifies that Jesus is the Messiah here, but he also shows great humility. He was the center of attention for a while. However, now that he has declared Jesus as the Messiah, his job is done. John is content with what he has “received from heaven.” He knows his place as “the bridegroom’s friend,” and he is ready for Jesus to “become greater” while he “become(s) less.” This is a humility that is born out of faith, trust, and obedience.

Consider: How content am I with the work God has given me? What can I learn from John the Baptist when my influence wanes or my position in life changes?

Ask God for the strength and humility to remain content when your circumstances change. Ask Him to help you look for satisfaction and contentment in your relationship with Him, knowing He has given you eternal life and made you His child. No prestige or honor is greater than this.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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