March 4 – Mark 6:45-56

After the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus needed time alone with His Father. As He sought solitude for prayer, He sent His disciples ahead of Him across the Sea of Galilee. Then, sometime during the “fourth watch” (between 3-6 a.m.), Jesus walked out to the middle of the lake, where His disciples were straining to row against the wind (v. 48). His disciples were “terrified,” thinking Jesus was a ghost. This might be understandable if He had not been so near. Verse 48 tells us that He was “about to pass by them” when they cried out.
Jesus was right there—alongside the boat. But His disciples couldn’t see the miracle because “their hearts were hardened.” They “had not understood about the loaves” (v. 52). In other words, they still weren’t getting it. They had seen Jesus calm a storm on that very same water (Mark 4:35-41). Just hours before, they had seen Him pray over five loaves and two fish and feed five thousand people on that food with twelve baskets to spare. And they had seen numerous healings. Yet they didn’t recognize Him walking on water! They were slow to perceive and understand that Jesus had (and still has) authority over the natural and the supernatural realms.
Perhaps this is why Jesus walked on the water. He was reinforcing the lesson His disciples were so slow to learn—that He is the all-powerful Son of God. Yet, Jesus was patient with them. Exhibiting that same compassion He had on the crowd who were “like sheep without a shepherd” (Mark 6:34), He calmed both their fears and the wind (vv. 50-51). He blessed them with yet another miracle to open their eyes, strengthen their faith, and make their hardened hearts pliable to the truth of His identity. And they were “completely amazed” (v. 51).
In what ways has Jesus worked in your life to show you who He is? How has He strengthened your faith so that you know that He is in control and has authority over your circumstances and trials? Recount some of your experiences with Him in prayer. Remember the ways He has patiently taught you to trust Him; remember the ways He has strengthened your faith. Is there any area of your life or circumstance where you need to apply what you learned in those old encounters with Him so that you don’t miss what He is currently doing? Ask Him to show you. Ask Him to keep you expectant, hope-filled, and faithful, with a soft heart and open eyes, so that you recognize Him when He comes walking to you on the water.