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March 27/28 – Mark 13:26-37

“Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them.” ~ Luke 12:37 (ESV)

Jesus told His disciples that He didn’t know the timing of His Second Coming—that knowledge belongs only to the Father (v. 32). Despite His direct teaching, human beings still speculate, but speculation about the details and the exact timing of Christ’s return is futile. We simply can’t know. Our time is better spent living for Him and serving Him as we wait. Let Him find us faithfully loving God and others when He comes. Then, we will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21), and He will invite us to His table—to “the wedding supper of the Lamb” (see Luke 12:37 and Revelation 19:9).

Even though Jesus did not know the day or the hour of His return, He knew the events that would set things in motion. He knew Jerusalem would be destroyed before that generation had passed away, and it was in 70 AD. That was one of the early “birth pains” as the world began to look for His return (see Mark 13:8). It was the sign that would start believers watching for more signs; like the leaves emerging on a fig tree let us know that the summer is approaching (v. 28), tumultuous events on the earth let us know the Second Coming draws near. And each sign should remind us to remain steadfast, faithful, and alert.

While the generation of people that lived at the same time as the disciples saw the beginnings of the “birth pains,” the “generation of those who seek the Lord” (Psalm 24:6) will remain until Christ returns. There will be believers who witness the dazzling triumphant arrival of “the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory” (v. 26). What a blessing to see this sight and to be “gather[ed] from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens” to be “caught up in the air” with Him! (see Mark 13:27 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17)

But in the meantime, we wait, and most importantly, we watch (v. 37). He has left us as servants in His world, and He is coming back (v. 35). When He comes, may He not “find us sleeping”— neglecting His commands to love, give, and serve. Instead, let us be alert and watchful, humble, faithful, and loving in all we do for God and others, fulfilling Jesus’ final command to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).

Spend time considering how you are “watching and waiting” for the Lord’s return. If He returned today, how would He find you living? Ask Him to show you how you can better prepare for Him through love and service. And, remember, the love you share is out of the overflow of His love for you, so draw near to Him and receive His love every day.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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