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March 25 – Mark 12:35-44

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” ~ Jesus in Luke 14:11 (NIV)

Within the span of seven verses, Mark gives us the stark juxtaposition of the proud, greedy religious leaders and the humble, poor widow. The teachers of the law want to be held in high esteem; they desire to be well-known as respected, religious men. The widow has nothing, but what little she has she gives to God in faith. The religious leaders not only have much, but they also want more—so much more that they even “devour” the “houses” of widows like the one who put her last two coins into the temple treasury (v. 40).

According to Mosaic Law, the religious leaders should have provided for widows like the one in this passage out of the tithes given to the temple (see Deuteronomy 26:12). Instead, the leaders insist that widows give, too, even in their poverty, while money from the temple collections is used to sustain them and provide them with long robes and banquets!

When we look at the passage in this light, Jesus’ observation of the widow is filled with sorrow. He is recognizing the fact that her faith in and love for God has driven her to give everything she has because she believes what the religious leaders tell her. They have taken advantage of her faith and love for God to “devour her house.” Yet God sees this, and He will not let the injustice continue forever. As Jesus says, “These men will be punished most severely” (v. 40), and the widow’s humility, generosity, and faith will be rewarded. Jesus has already noticed her, and His heart has gone out to her. And Jesus is Lord of all, though the religious leaders did not recognize this yet.

Before the contrast between the leaders and the widow, Jesus pointed out that, even though the Messiah is called the Son of David, He is also called “Lord” by David himself (see Psalm 110:1). This indicates that the Messiah is more than one of David’s descendants. He is Lord over David as well as everyone and everything else. We know that He is God Himself, who put on flesh and came to dwell with us and to die for us and be raised again. As we consider His goodness, mercy, and majesty, we should humble ourselves and be willing to give Him everything, just like the widow, knowing that the pride of the teachers of the law amounts to nothing in the end.

Worship the Lord today for all of His goodness and mercy toward you, and ask Him to help you reflect that goodness and mercy toward others. Seek to help the poor when you can, and if this is a season of poverty for you, know that the Lord sees you and loves you. Ask God how you might reflect the humility of Christ in your own life and reject the pride of the teachers of the law.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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