March 24 -- John 11:1-16
“This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” –John 11:4 (NIV)

Jesus’ good friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus lived in Bethany, 1.5 miles east of Jerusalem on the southeastern slope of the Mount of Olives. So, when Mary and Martha sent word that Lazarus was sick, Jesus’ disciples were concerned about Him going. The proximity to Jerusalem made the trip dangerous since the Jewish leaders had tried to stone Jesus the last time He was in the area. But Jesus was intent on going because He knew Lazarus’s sickness had a purpose; it would bring glory to God by revealing Jesus as God’s Son, who even has power over death.
Jesus did not go to Lazarus right away. In fact, verse 6 tells us, “So when He heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days…” At first glance, this seems odd. If you love someone and hear that person is sick, wouldn’t you go see him or her immediately? Yet with God, timing is always important. Jesus waited to go until Lazarus died because He wanted to show those He loved how great His power really is so that they might believe in Him and have eternal life. He said to His disciples, “For your sake, I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe…” (v. 15, emphasis added). Bringing Lazarus back from the dead would certainly secure people’s faith.
The disciples remained confused throughout their conversation with Jesus. They were confused about why Jesus would go toward Jerusalem when people there were trying to kill Him. They were confused about why Jesus wanted to go “wake [Lazarus] up” when sleep is obviously what a sick person needs. They didn’t even respond when Jesus answered their question about going up to Jerusalem with a rhetorical question about the number of hours in a day. In the end, the disciples simply followed where He led, knowing it could mean their deaths (v. 16). They had learned that Jesus always has the answers, even when they didn’t fully understand the questions!
Consider: How am I doing trusting Jesus in my current circumstances? When I don’t understand what is happening or when He seems slow in coming to me in my situation, do I begin to think He doesn’t care? Or can I rest in the knowledge that He knows what is best?
Thank God for His perfect timing and His constant love. If you are having trouble seeing Him in your circumstances or understanding the way He is directing you, ask Him to reveal Himself to you in the midst of your confusion and to strengthen your faith. Rest in the knowledge that what He wants most from you is relationship. He has gone to great lengths to be with you forever.