April 7 -- John 16:1-15
“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” –John 16:7 (NIV)

Jesus continued preparing His disciples for His death, Resurrection, and Ascension. He wanted them to remain steadfast in their faith after He physically left them because the world, which does not know God, would do its best to persecute them (vv. 2-3). However, they would have the “Advocate”—the Holy Spirit—to guide them to the truth.
The Greek word translated as “Advocate” in verse 7 of the NIV is “parakletos.” Other Bible translations have rendered it as “Comforter” or “Counselor,” but literally translated, it means, “One who is called alongside.” [It comes from the preposition “para” (“by the side of, near to”) and the verb “kaleo” (“to call”).] This means the Holy Spirit is the One who comes alongside every believer—so close that He actually indwells us (see Romans 8:9-11).
Jesus had already mentioned the coming of the Holy Spirit in John 14 and 15, but at this point in His final teaching, He offered His disciples more detail. The Spirit could not come to them unless Jesus went away, and when the Spirit came, He would not only guide the disciples into the truth but would also show that the world’s ideas about sin, righteousness, and judgment are all wrong. Rejecting Jesus is the sin that condemns; righteousness is found in Christ alone; and judgment comes when the “prince of this world” (Satan) is convicted and condemned.
Jesus knew that what He was saying to prepare His disciples for His death was weighing heavily on them, so He did not tell them everything. He intended to leave some things for the Spirit to reveal. The Spirit will always point believers to Jesus and speak only what He hears from Christ because Father, Son, and Spirit are One—united in mind, will, and action.
Consider: How do I experience the Spirit “coming alongside” me in my daily life?
Ask God to give you a sensitive “ear” to His guiding voice. Thank Him for His continual Presence with you, comforting, counseling, guiding, encouraging, and loving you through everything you experience.