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April 5 -- John 15:1-17

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” –John 15:5 (NIV)

As Jesus and His disciples made their way to the Mount of Olives on the night before He would die, He continued to teach them. Jesus compared His future relationship with His disciples to that of a vine and its branches, and this relationship applies to those of us who are His disciples today. As His disciples, we must remain connected to Him as our Source of nourishment. “Apart from [Him] we can do nothing” (v. 5). The Father is the Gardener, who prunes us (cuts off everything in us that does not reflect Christ) so that we are more fruitful, bringing Christ’s love and righteousness into the world.

As the Father loves the Son, so the Son loves us and gives us the Spirit, who flows into us (the branches) from Him (the Vine) when we remain in Him by obeying out of our love for Him (v. 10). This loving, fruitful connection to Jesus will also cause His “joy” to be in us, making our joy complete (v. 11). So, obedience leads to joy, not to oppression, and the key to obeying Christ is to love as He does. This is the new and final command He leaves with His disciples, repeating it three times in His final discourse with them (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17).

This loving connection between Jesus the Vine and us as the branches also has an impact on the world. For a more complete picture of how all this works, this four-minute video is worth a watch:

Consider: Am I remaining and abiding in Jesus? If so, how am I doing this? Is there evidence of my abiding in the way I am loving others?

Talk to God about your answers to these questions. Thank Him for His care of and love for you and ask Him to show you how you can better remain connected to Jesus, your true Source of life and love, so that you may better extend His love to the world.

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My name is Melissa Anderson. I'm a spiritual director and ordained pastor who loves God, people, and words. You can read more about me by clicking the button below.

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